“Books are the plane, and the train, and the road. They are the destination, and the journey. They are home.” — Anna Quindlen

About Suzi Love
I'm an Australian author of contemporary and historical romances, plus history non-fiction. My books range from sexy to erotic, late 1700s to the mid 1800s, and with a dash of Australia thrown into the mix. My heroes and heroines challenge tradition and my stories often expose the seamier levels of life. I now live in a sunny part of Australia after spending many years in developing countries in the South Pacific. My greatest loves are traveling, anywhere and everywhere, meeting crazy characters, and visiting the Australian outback. I hope my books bring history alive and you have fun adventuring with my roguish heroes and feisty heroines.
“Books are the plane, and the train, and the road. They are the destination, and the journey. They are home.” — Anna Quindlen
“There was a moment when I changed from an amateur to a professional. I assumed the burden of a profession, which is to write even when you don’t want to, don’t much like what you’re writing, and aren’t writing particularly well. “Agatha Christie
1815 Arundel Fete Dress and Baronial Helmet, English. White dress with purple bodice and hem with matching shawl and plumed headdress. Skirt of white crape over white satin, a double row of novel and elegant trimmings on the bottom, two falls of the crape, set on full, are edged with silk. Body comes high on each side of the bosom and is shaped so as to display the neck and shoulders, and both body and sleeves are formed and trimmed in the most exquisitely tasteful manner. A superb cord and tassels confines the waist and ties in front. The Baronial Helmet is striking and made of white sarsnet or satin and white lace and superbly ornamented with feathers. Jewelry set, or Grand Parure, of necklace, bracelets. ear-rings, and small French locket of pearl. White kid slippers and gloves. Full Dress for evening would most likely be a dress of silk or satin, perhaps with a transparent overlay of netting, tulle etc., embellished with taffeta, ruffles and ribbons, and with a full range of accessories including a Grand Parure of tiara and other matching jewelry. https://books2read.com/SuziLoveFashionWomen1815-1819
La Belle Assemblee: Fashion Plate via John Belle’s La Belle Assemblée or, Bell’s Court and Fashionable Magazine, London. Many of the fashion plates seen in La Belle Assemblée and The Repository of Arts were designed by Mrs. Bell who had her dressmaking showroom in Bedford Square, London, and was related to John Bell who published La Belle Assemblée. It seems that she designed for at least two fashion magazines and so there is a cross-over of designs in different magazines.
Grand Parure: A Parure is a matched set of jewelry, including a necklace, bracelet, earrings, pin etc. and a Grand Parure often includes a tiara or other headdress.
1787 December Yellow striped dress, red hat with a white feather and a large fur muff, French. via Magasin des Modes.
1823 Couple In Walking Dress, French, as worn in Europe and England in the Regency Era. Redingote, or Coat, with matching hat, neck frill of Gros de Nice lace. Gentleman in tailcoat, short length brown trousers, yellow vest, high white cravat, top hat and black shoes. via Modes Françaises L’Indiscret, France.
1845 Woman’s Dress, Probably Made In England. Silk Taffeta and glazed linen plain weave. via Los Angeles County Museum of Art, California, USA. collections.lacma.org
1818 ca. Elegant black evening dress as would have been worn in the times of Jane Austen when attending evening events, such as dinners, concerts, musical evenings or the opera. British, Empire style, or high-waisted dress of machine-made silk net, embroidered with silk, trimmed at the hem with padded black satin rouleaux and rosettes, long straight sleeves under shoulder puffs. Machine-made net was a very popular background for embroidery and laces in early 1800s and the airy texture suited loose and flowing Empire style fashions. Victoria and Albert Museum, London, UK.
“No, she was a very sober- minded young lady, sufficiently well-read in novels to supply her imagination with amusement, but not at all
unreasonably influenced by them.” Jane Austen ~ Sanditon (1817)
1818 ca. Lemon Dress, England. High-waisted, or Empire style, as worn in the times of Jane Austen, or Regency Era. Linen and lace dress with short puffed sleeves. via Los Angeles County Museum of Art, California, USA. collections.lacma.org. https://books2read.com/SuziLoveFashionWomen1815-1819