1826 Locked up in a sponging house on Carey Street, London, because they are unable to pay their bill. From A Regency Gentleman’s Life. From: 1826 The English Spy By Robert Cruikshank. via Google Books (PD-180)
Definition Sponging House: Place of temporary confinement for debtors. Creditors would lay a complaint with the sheriff, the sheriff sent his bailiffs, and the debtor was taken to the local sponging-house. This was not a debtors’ prison but a private house, often the bailiff’s own home. The debtor was held there temporarily in the hope that they could make some arrangement with the creditors.
Light-hearted look at a young man’s day in the early 1800s. Depicts the ups and downs of a young gentleman’s day in the Regency Era, or Jane Austen’s years. Through historic images, historical information, and funny anecdotes, it shows how a young man about town fills his day, where he goes, and who he spends time with. This light-hearted look at the longer Regency years is an easy to read overview of what people did and wore, and where they worked and played. There is plenty of information to interest history buffs, and lots of pictures to help readers and writers of historical fiction visualize the people and places from the last years of the 18th Century until Queen Victoria took the throne. Regency Life Series Book 3 Young Gentleman’s Day.com/suziloveYGD