1800 ca. Pair of Flintlock Duelling Pistols Owned by Captain William Waller (active 1794-1807) #Regency #Weapon #JaneAusten #duel
1800 ca. Pair of Flintlock Duelling Pistols. Owned by Captain William Waller (active 1794-1807). Walnut stock, chequered grips, rounded butts, fitted with two silver pipes containing ramrods. Silver trigger guards engraved and end in pineapple shaped finials, each with flintlock containing flints. Lock plates engraved with leaf design, octagonal barrels browned with narrow gold bands near lock. via Royal Museums Greenwich collections.rmg.co.uk
During the Regency Era and Jane Austen’s writing years, dueling was illegal, although secret duels still happened. Courts were made up of peers and they rarely charged another peer for anything illegal. Honor and gentlemanly behavior were the most important things to men so if there was an offense committed, a dawn duel was arranged with seconds to check the weapons used and a doctor in case of injuries.
1800 ca. Pair of Flintlock Duelling Pistols Owned by Captain William Waller (active 1794-1807) #Regency #Weapon #JaneAusten #duel https://books2read.com/suziloveROver Share on X