Do you need more factual and visual information for your historical fiction? Try History Notes Books 1-13. Non-fiction Series: Fashion, music and social manners in the 18th and 19th centuries e.g.
1798 Two ladies in Jane Austen style white walking dresses. Left: Dress has gold trim, white bonnet, green Parasol. Right: Stand up collar, short puffed sleeves, brown shawland coiled head dresses, both with necklaces. via Rijks Museum, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
1740–1760 ca. Silk and Cotton Petticoat. via Suzi Love ~ & Metropolitan Museum, N.Y.C., U.S.A.
1740–1760 ca. Silk and Cotton Petticoat. via Suzi Love ~
& Metropolitan Museum, N.Y.C., U.S.A. metmuseum.org1740–1760 ca. Silk and Cotton Petticoat. #Georgian #Underclothing #Fashion Share on XHN_1 Fashion Women Late 1700s History Notes Book 1 by Suzi Love.
What was fashionable for women in the late 1700s? Extravagant colors and fabrics and outrageous styles were all seen in these flamboyant fashions.
What was fashionable outdoor wear for the Bridgerton ladis, Jane Austen, and their contemporaries? Reticules, Spencers, and Pelisses, or Walking Dresses, Or Redingotes. History Notes Books 3, 4, and 5 By Suzi Love.
What was fashionable for purses in past centuries? Call them what you like: purses, bags, handbags, reticules, ridicules, clutches, or pocket replacements. They all did the same job and they changed greatly with the prevailing fashions of time.
What was fashionable in women’s jackets in the Regency Era? Call them what you like: Spencers, short jackets, or Regency jackets. They provided modesty and warmth and they changed greatly with the prevailing fashions of the time. Take a look at the jackets being worn by women in the early 1800s.
What sort of coats did women wear during the Regency years? them what you like: Coat, Pelisse, Redingote, Walking Dress, Promenade Dress. Take a look at what was being worn by women, men, and children.
Lover of Bridgerton and Jane Austen fashions? What was fashionable for their outer wear? Different names in different countries: Pelisse, Redingote, Or Walking Dress. #Regency #Fashion #History
The Pelisse or Redingote was essentially a coat or robe like garment worn both indoors and out. Worn indoors open to reveal a dress, the outdoor version was made of heavier materials and of darker colors than the type worn indoors. The name comes from the term ‘riding coat.’ In the Georgian Era, Redingotes were worn by men, women and children when outdoors and especially as part of a riding costume by both sexes.
In England, the Pelisse was the main sort of fashionable outerwear, or coat, for women in the Regency Era, or Jane Austen’s times. Though this sort of coat was popular from the late 1700s until around 1850. In the early 1800s, this sort of Empire style coat reached the hip or knee but around 1810 the Pelisse lengthened to become a full length coat. Around 1812, the Pelisse often had a broad, cape-like collar with fur trim and thanks to the Napoleonic Wars and an avid interest in all things military, a Pelisse took on a military look with epaulettes and braiding very popular.
While the terms Redingote and Pelisse are often used interchangeably, Pelisse and Walking Dress and Carriage Costume were the names used in English Fashion Plates, whereas French Fashion Plates refer to the longer style of coats as a Redingote and the shorter shoulder capes worn by military men as a Pelisse.
1798 White Dress, French. Gold and black back insert to match gold stripes on the hem, white shawl with gold stripes, gold hat with black decoration. Via Journal des Dames et des Modes or Costume Parisien.
Box Set combining Corset books 14-21 to give a complete picture of the progression of corset styles from 1700 through to the 1900s, including Jane Austen’s lifetime.
This Box Set combines corset books 14-21 to give a complete picture of the progression of corset styles from 1700 through to the 1900s, including Jane Austen’s lifetime. These books show how body wraps, stays, and corsets were worn through the centuries to create a variety of fashionable silhouettes through various historical eras. Corsets flattened breasts and accentuated rounded hips or pushed up breasts and showed off the bust line depending on the fashions of the time and the desired silhouette.
Corsets Box Set History Notes Book 22
This Box Set combines corset books 14-21 to give a complete picture of the progression of corset styles from 1700 through to the 1900s, including Jane Austen’s lifetime. These books show how body wraps, stays, and corsets were worn through the centuries to create a variety of fashionable silhouettes through various historical eras. Corsets flattened breasts and accentuated rounded hips or pushed up breasts and showed off the bust line depending on the fashions of the time and the desired silhouette.
Box Set combining Corset books 14-21 to give a complete picture of the progression of corset styles from 1700 through to the 1900s, including Jane Austen’s lifetime. or Writer of Historical Fiction? Corset Styles 1700s-1900s includes the Bridgertons and Jane Austen's years. Box Set Of Corset Books 14-21 Gives Complete Picture. #Bridgerton #JaneAusten #GeorgianFashion #RegencyFashion #Corset… Share on XHN_22_D2D_Corset Box Set
1780 Watch on a Chatelaine, Germany. Silver Repousse Verge With four chain chatelaine. via Heritage Auction
Definition Chatelaine: The word Chatelaine is French and means the keeper of the keys. Chatelaine” derives from the Latin word for castle. In Medieval times, the chatelaine was in charge of the day-to-day running of the castle. What did a chatelaine do? Most important task was keeper of the keys. Also ordered supplies, did bookkeeping, supervised servants, taught castle children, and organized guests.
By 1700’s, a metal jeweled ornament hung from pockets, attached to belts, or by hooks into skirt waistbands
During 1800’s, women wore large collections of tools hung from chains
Young girls sewed and did needlework and needed to carry sewing notions eg scissors, thimbles
Worn by women of all classes, from workers to nobility
Varied depending on class and finances.
Made of silver, brass, steel, leather, or fabric
During 19th century, fashionable dresses often had no waist and nowhere to hang chatelaines
Chatelaines became decorative brooches
Often given as a wedding present from a husband to bride
Later became fashion accessories.
1780 ca. Watch. Landwing Augsburg
Silver Repousse Verge With Chatelaine. Watch with silver repose outer case and plain inner case, five figure classical scene, scallops in high relief, glass bulls eye crystal, plus four chain chatelaine with key, fob, pencil, and file. via Heritage Auctions
Chatelaine: Set of useful items hung from decorative chains.1780 Watch On Four Chain Chatelaine, Germany. #GeorgianEra #Antiques #Watch #Chatelaine. Share on XChatelaines and Chains History Notes Book 9 By Suzi Love. #regency Women in charge of houses wore long chains holding important household items around their waist e.g. keys, pen, notebook, sewing.
1799 November 24th ‘Parisian Ladies in Their Full Winter Dress for 1800’. By Isaac Cruikshank. Ridiculing excesses of late 1790s Parisian high-waisted Greek look gowns of transparent fabrics and extremely low cut bodices.Full Dress meant every possible accessory was added to outfits.g. elaborate hats, reticules or bags, anklets and jewels. Via British Museum, London, UK. (PD-Art)
1799 November 24th ‘Parisian Ladies in Their Full Winter Dress for 1800’. By Isaac Cruikshank. Ridiculing excesses of late 1790s Parisian high-waisted Greek look gowns of transparent fabrics and extremely low cut bodices.Full Dress meant every possible accessory was added to outfits.g. elaborate hats, reticules or bags, anklets and jewels. Via Suzi Love – & British Museum, London, UK. (PD-Art)1799 November 24th 'Parisian Ladies in Their Full Winter Dress for 1800'. Caricature By Isaac Cruikshank. #GeorgianEra #Cartoon #BritishHistory Share on XHN_1 Fashion Women Late 1700s History Notes Book 1 by Suzi Love.
What was fashionable for women in the late 1700s? Extravagant colors and fabrics and outrageous styles were all seen in these flamboyant fashions.