1784-1826 ca. Woman’s Under Dress. White high-waisted underdress with drawstrings at neck and waist, narrow shoulder straps, back tie closure, embroidered with large scale scrolling floral motifs with meandering vine and bands of dots along the bottom edge. The type of underdress worn by Jane Austen’s female friends and family. via Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, U.S.A. mfa.org
1784-1826 ca. Bridgerton and Jane Austen Style White High-Waisted Underdress With Drawstrings, American. #Bridgerton #JaneAusten #GeorgianFashion #RegencyFashion #Underclothing books2read.com/SuziLoveFashionWomen1800 Share on X1790-1810 ca. Slip on Red Moroccan Leather Shoes, English. #GeorgianEra #JaneAusten #RegencyEra
1790-1810 ca. Slip on Red Moroccan Leather Shoes, English. #GeorgianEra #JaneAusten #RegencyEra https://books2read.com/SuziLoveFashionWomen1801-1804
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