1817 March. Opera Dress, English. Blue dress with flowers around the hem above a lace frill, long draping shawl, blue hat with white feather. The sort of outfit Jane Austen and her contemporaries would wear for an evening at the opera or theatre. Fashion Plate via Rudolph Ackermann’s ‘The Repository of Arts’.
1817 March. Opera Dress, English. Blue dress with flowers around the hem above a lace frill, long draping shawl, blue hat with white feather. Fashion Plate via Rudolph Ackermann’s ‘The Repository of Arts’.
1817 March. Blue Opera Dress And Hat. #Regency #JaneAusten #Fashion
1800-1870 ca. Stocking Purses, British. Beaded stocking purses crocheted in silk and steel beads, with steel rings with tassels and fringes. via Victoria and Albert Museum, London, UK. collections.vam.ac.uk.
Definition Miser or Long or Stocking or Ring Purses: Long, narrow, tubular shape, often wider at ends and narrow in middle, which had a short slit opening. Popular in England and France from the mid-18th century through the early 20th century.
From the Curator Victoria and Albert Museum, London: Stocking purses are also known as misers’ or wallet purses. The majority were netted, but some were knitted or crocheted, like this one. Once worked, the elongated tube was put on an expandable purse stretcher to shape it. It was then sewn up, leaving a central opening, and squeezed through a pair of rings known as sliders, which were used to secure and separate the different coins stored at either end. It could be carried in the hand, bag or pocket, or tucked over a belt. Many stocking purses were made as presents, and were thought a suitable object to give to a gentleman. Crochet is a type of needlework with an open, lacy appearance, which is formed with a hook and single length of thread making a series of loops, chains and knots. The technique developed out of ‘tambouring’, a type of embroidery, after the tambour hook began to be used to create series of loops, free from a ground fabric. This could then be used as a separate trimming, like lace, or made to form items like this purse. Crochet was thus added to the varieties of fancy needlework available to ladies, and instructions for making it can be found in manuals from the 1820s onwards.
1800-1870 ca. Stocking Purses, British. Beaded stocking purses crocheted in silk and steel beads,
with steel rings with tassels and fringes.
via Suzi Love suzilove.com
Victoria and Albert Museum, London, UK.
1800-1870 ca. Beaded Stocking Purses, British #RegencyEra #RomanticEra #Fashion
1812 October Autumnal Carriage Or Morning Costume, English. Loose white jaconet muslin dress, high in the neck, with double frills of deep vandyke lace that fall over the Spencer. Blue satin Spencer ornamented with silver cord and buttons ‘en militaire’ and held at the throat with a cord and tassels, a quartered foundling cap of lace tied under the chin with a full band and decorated with an autumnal flower. Grey kid shoes, lemon gloves and a ridicule, or bag, of purple velvet. Fashion Plate via Rudolph Ackermann’s ‘The Repository of Arts’.
Dress – Morning: Worn either at home, out shopping, or for walking in the park or country. Presentable but not overly accessorized.
Spencer: Short body-hugging jacket worn for warmth &modesty. Said to have originated in accident to Lord Spencer in hunting when coattails torn off.
1812 October Autumnal Carriage Or Morning Costume, English. Loose white jaconet muslin dress, high in the neck, with double frills of deep vandyke lace that fall over the Spencer. Blue satin Spencer ornamented with silver cord and buttons ‘en militaire’ and held at the throat with a cord and tassels, a quartered foundling cap of lace tied under the chin with a full band and decorated with an autumnal flower. Grey kid shoes, lemon gloves and a ridicule, or bag, of purple velvet. Fashion Plate via Rudolph Ackermann’s ‘The Repository of Arts’.1812 October Autumnal Carriage Or Morning Costume With Blue Satin Spencer. #RegencyEra #JaneAusten #HistoricalFashion. https://books2read.com/SuziLoveFashion1810-1814 Share on XHN_27_D2D_fashwomen1810-1814
1817 November Morning Dress and Evening Dress, English. Morning Dress is a round dress of Jaconot muslin with back buttons, small collar open in front. Rose velvet Spenser trimmed with white satin and rose silk, finished at throat with white satin puffings. Skirt trimmed with double row of white satin Spanish puffs, very full and in bias. Hair high, parted and curled on the forehead with garland of Provence roses. Pearl earrings and necklace, spangled crape fan, white kid gloves and white satin slippers. Fashion Plate via The Mirror of Fashion in The Ladies’ Monthly Museum, England.
1817 November Morning Dress and Evening Dress, English. Morning Dress is a round dress of Jaconot muslin with back buttons, small collar open in front to display the throat, lower part of front with bias tucks, moderately full skirt finished around bottom with small tucks and deep flounce with bright rose ribbon. Rose velvet Spenser trimmed with white satin and rose silk, finished at throat with white satin puffings. Plain long sleeves, French style Leghorn bonnet trimmed with large rows of ribbon to match Spenser and tied under the chin, stand-up lace frill around throat, swansdown muff, straw kid sandals and gloves.
Evening dress of fawn crepe over a white satin slip, cut low around the bust, confined to waist by a narrow cestus of white satin, fastened in front by a brilliant clasp. Single fall of Mecklin lace on dress, very short full sleeve finished at bottom by a rouleau of white satin and narrow lace plait. Skirt trimmed with double row of white satin Spanish puffs, very full and in bias. Hair high, parted and curled on the forehead with garland of Provence roses. Pearl earrings and necklace, spangled crape fan, white kid gloves and white satin slippers. Fashion Plate via The Mirror of Fashion in The Ladies’ Monthly Museum, England.
1817 November Muslin Morning Dress and Crepe Evening Dress, English. #Regency #JaneAusten #Fashion
1818 Women’s outdoor fashions In the times of Jane Austen. Pelisses or coats or Redingotes, with matching hats, shoes, goves, reticules or bage, plus other accessories as displayed in various fashion magazines. Definition Redingote Or Coat Or Pelisse: Long fitted outdoor coat worn over other garments for warmth. French word developed from English words, riding coat. French fashion plates call these coats a Redingote and English plates call them a Pelisse, Or Walking Dress, or Carriage Costume.
1818 Walking or Day Dress, French. High-waisted pale blue dress with military style braiding and decoration on bodice and sleeves. Matching hat is fitted but with large high brim and white feathers, blue walking boots and gloves. Fashion Plate via Journal des Dames et des Modes, or Costume Parisien.1818 Walking Dress and Redingote, French. White walking dress under a royal blue redingote, or pelisse, or coat, with a wide fur trim and high shawl collar and with a large bonnet with black plume. Fashion Plate via & Journal des Dames et des Modes, or Costume Parisien.1818 February. Walking Dress, or Pelisse, or Redingote, English. Pink walking dress over a white simple high-waisted dress. Pretty, high and flowered, bonnet and carrying a reticule. Fashion Plate via Ladies Magazine.1818 Blue Pelisse, Or Coat, English. Short puffed sleeves over long straight sleeves, military style braiding to decorate. matching shoes and high bonnet with feathers. Fashion Plate John Belle’s La Belle Assemblée or, Bell’s Court and Fashionable Magazine, London.1818 Blue Redingote, French. Coat with military style vertical braiding, shawl collar, pink reticule or bag, high blue bonnet, blue walking shoes. Fashion Plate via Journal des Dames et des Modes, or Costume Parisien.1818 Blue Walking Dress or Pelisse, English, or Redingote in France. Blue high-waisted dress, stand up collar, black trim, and with matching plumed bonnet and yellow shawl. Fashion Plate John Belle’s La Belle Assemblée or, Bell’s Court and Fashionable Magazine, London.1818 Deep Green Redingote, French. Merino wool coat or walking dress. High white neck frill, black velvet dress decoration and velvet bonnet shaped like a shell, green shoes and white gloves. Fashion Plate via Journal des Dames et des Modes, or Costume Parisien.1818 Blue Levantine Redingote, French. High-waisted walking coat, high white neck frill, bonnet of blue Gros de Naples with pink flowers, short puffed sleeves over long straight sleeves, white gloves and blue shoes. Fashion Plate via Journal des Dames et des Modes, or Costume Parisien.1818 Women's outdoor fashions In the times of Jane Austen: Coats, Pelisses, Redingotes. #Regency #JaneAusten #Fashion https://books2read.com/SuziLoveFashionWomen1815-1819 Share on X
1809 June Evening Full Dress, English. Lemon dress with white underskirt, short sleeves, braid decorated bodice, zig-zag hem, long white gloves, plumed headdress, full Parure of necklace, bracelet and earrings, evening slippers and a fan. Fashion Plate via John Belle’s La Belle Assemblée or, Bell’s Court and Fashionable Magazine, London.
Definition Full Evening Dress – Ball, dinner, evening and opera gowns but with every possible accessory added to make the most impressive display possible, such as adding a Grand Parure, or full jewelry set and including headpieces as with the feathered headdress above.
1809 June Evening Full Dress, English. Lemon dress with white underskirt, short sleeves, braid decorated bodice, zig-zag hem, long white gloves, plumed headdress, full Parure of necklace, bracelet and earrings, evening slippers and a fan. Fashion Plate via John Belle’s La Belle Assemblée or, Bell’s Court and Fashionable Magazine, London.
Definition Full Evening Dress – Ball, dinner, evening and opera gowns but with every possible accessory added to make the most impressive display possible, such as adding a Grand Parure, or full jewelry set and including headpieces as with the feathered headdress above.1809 June Lemon Evening Dress With White Underskirt, English. #Regency #JaneAusten #Fashion. https://books2read.com/SuziLoveFashionWomen1805-1809 Share on X Fashion Women 1805-1809 History Notes Book 26 What did Jane Austen and friends wear? https://books2read.com/SuziLoveFashionWomen1805-1809
1806 ca. Typical Silk and Straw Bonnet, French. Definition Bonnet: Soft form of hat with little brim at back and usually tied under the chin with ribbons. via Metropolitan Museum, N.Y.C., U.S.A. metmuseum.org
Hats were an essential item during the Regency Era for women, men and children. Nobody left their home without one, no matter what their social class. Jane Austen and her friends would have worn gorgeous bonnets or hats, tied under the chin like this.
1806 ca. Typical Silk and Straw Bonnet, French. Definition Bonnet: Soft form of hat with little brim at back and usually tied under the chin with ribbons. via Metropolitan Museum, N.Y.C., U.S.A. metmuseum.org1806 ca. Typical Silk and Straw Bonnet, French. #RegencyEra #JaneAusten #Hats https://books2read.com/SuziLoveFashionWomen1805-1809 Share on XFashion Women 1805-1809 History Notes Book 26
What did Jane Austen and friends wear? This book looks at early 1800s fashions, which were elegant and pretty with high waists and fabrics that were almost transparent. These Empire style gowns, named after Napoleon’s first Empress, became popular throughout Europe, and were then copied around the world. Colorful outwear was added to make an ensemble more attractive and warmer.
1818 August English dinner Dress. White high-waisted, loose and flowing dress, multiple layers of frill and blue hem decoration, shawl collar, blue and white scarf and high flowered bonnet. Fashion Plate John Belle’s La Belle Assemblée or, Bell’s Court and Fashionable Magazine, London.
1818 August English dinner Dress. White high-waisted, loose and flowing dress, multiple layers of frill and blue hem decoration, shawl collar, blue and white scarf and high flowered bonnet. Fashion Plate John Belle’s La Belle Assemblée or, Bell’s Court and Fashionable Magazine, London.
1818 August High-Waisted White Dinner Dress With Frills To Trim. #Regency #Fashion #FashionPlate
1800 White Muslin Dress, European. Empire style, high-waisted dress of light weight cotton, with softly falling gathered long skirt and with a train. via Los Angeles County Museum of Art, California, USA. collections.lacma.org
The type of dress worn across Europe in the early 1800s. This sort of high-waisted dress would have been worn by Jane Austen and her contemporaries in England. The Empire waist gown defined women’s fashion during the Regency Era. ‘Empire’ is the name given in France to the period when Napoleon built his French Empire. High-waisted, loose gowns were adopted by the aristocracy as a symbol of turning away from the fussy, elaborate and expensive clothing worn in the 1700s.