17th Century Late – 18th Century Early. Purse, French. Silk and Metal. via Metropolitan Museum, N.Y.C., U.S.A. metmuseum.org

17th Century Late – 18th Century Early. Purse, French. Silk and Metal. via Metropolitan Museum, N.Y.C., U.S.A. metmuseum.org
1700 ca. Chess and Backgammon Box, Augsburg. Decorated in violet wood veneer, ebony and ivory. Ivory checkers and chess pieces, hinges and push button lock in gilded brass, two horn goblets, two ivory dice, thirty-none checkers’ pawns stamped both sides with effigies of cities, Munich, Vienna, Nuremberg, Prague, Danzig, of kings and queens, Prussia, England, Scotland, Poland, and various scenes. Via AnticStore.com
1910 Glove Box, English. via Chairish chairish.com
1840 ca. Silver sewing chatelaine, Russian. With tiny coin purse, scissors, writing and sewing tools.
What did a chatelaine do?
What were chatelaines used for?
1840 ca. Silver sewing chatelaine, Russian. #VictorianEra #Russia #Chatelaine
19th Century Late. Quill Box and Writing Slope, India. Scalloped base and drawer. Desk opens up to a writing slope and opens again to hidden drawers. Complete with candle holders and ink pots. The type of inkstand that households woulds have in Jane Austen’s times for writing letters and keeping track of estate matters. Many of these exotic and decorative items were brought to England by gentlemen doing their Grand Tour through Europe and Asia. via 1st Dibs Auctions ~ 1stdibs.com
1830 ca. Collection of Four Tiny Purses, or Reticules with drawstrings to close. via Ruby Lane Antiques.
1900-1910 ca. Various antique Russian gold, enamel, jeweled and hardstone miniature egg pendants. bonhams.com The name Faberge is associated with the Russian Imperial family for whom most of the world’s most famous eggs were created. In 1870, Faberge inherited his father’s jewelry business and quickly became known for his brilliant designs. A display of his work and the gold medal he was awarded in Moscow’s Pan-Russian Exhibition of 1882 brought him to the attention of the Russian nobility.
1757-1758 ca. Egg Shaped Toilet Case With Clock. By Master Francois Beeckaert, Paris, France. Gold, diamonds, silver, enamel. via Hermitage Museum, Russia.
1800 ca. Writing Box, British, as would have been used by people in Jane Austen’s times, or, the Regency Era. Small brass bound solid mahogany writing box of dovetail construction. Green baize sloping writing surface with compartments for storing papers beneath. Small size may be designed for private intimate correspondence. Drop down carrying handles on two sides are early form of handle. Side drawer pulls out after retaining brass pin is taken out. via hygra.com
1800 ca. Mahogany Writing Box For Personal Correspondence As Used By Jane Austen. #RegencyEra #JaneAusten #AmWriting books2read.com/SuziLoveWritingTools Share on X