1809 A Lady In Court Dress. From: 1809 A Book Explaining Ranks and Dignities in British Society. via Google Books (PD-180)
Definition Court Dress: Usually, the difference between a court dress and a ball dress was in the quality of fabrics used, how elaborate the design, and the number and quality of the accessories. Plus, in England in the early 1800s court dresses were required by Queen Charlotte to have hoops and in France and other European countries court dresses a long train, usually expensively decorated. During the Regency Era, white cotton dresses were considered suitable for many evening events, but definitely not for an evening event in a palace.

Fashion Women 1805-1809 History Notes Book 26 What did Jane Austen and friends wear? This book looks at early 1800s fashions, which were elegant and pretty with high waists and fabrics that were almost transparent. These Empire style gowns, named after Napoleon’s first Empress, became popular throughout Europe, and were then copied around the world. Colorful outwear was added to make an ensemble more attractive and warmer.
1809 Lady In Purple Court Dress Worn In Jane Austen's Times. #JaneAusten #RegencyFashion #CourtDress https://books2read.com/SuziLoveFashionWomen1805-1809 Share on X