1807 Lady Wearing Jane Austen Style At-Home Costume and Smelling the Flowers. #RegencyEra #JaneAusten #HistoricalFashion.
1807 Lady Wearing At-Home Costume, French. Relaxed attire of white, Empire style, high-waisted at-home dress, hat, and shawl. Smelling the flowers. Jane Austen and her family and friends would have worn this style of dress. Fashion Plate via Journal des Dames et des Modes, or Costume Parisien.
Typical outfit worn at home in the morning when at home and to be seen only by family or close friends. A lady might wear this while writing having breakfast, writing letters, or reading. Called by the various names of Undress, to At-Home dress, or Morning dress, it is the most relaxed ensemble a lady will wear all day.