1813 The Theatre. From Poetical Sketches of Scarborough By Thomas Rowlandson. Aquatint was added by John Bluck and Joseph Stadler. The sketches by Green were made as souvenirs and not intended for publication. Via Suzi Love suzilove.com
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Tag Archives: Cartoons
1802 February 15th ‘Advantages of Wearing Muslin Dresses’ By James Gillray. #Regency #JaneAusten #Cartoon
1802 February, 15th. ‘Advantages of Wearing Muslin Dresses.’ during the Regency Era, or Jane Austen’s times. By James Gillray. Fat lady sitting with man and woman at tea table reacts in horror when hot poker from fire falls on her dress. Man sits helplessly while second woman upsets the table. Butler drops plate of muffins and cat scampers away from fire. Painting of Mt. Vesuvius hangs over fireplace. Via Wikimedia Commons commons.wikimedia.org (PD-ART)
1802 February 'Advantages of Wearing Muslin Dresses' By James Gillray. #RegencyEra #JaneAusten #Cartoon https://books2read.com/suziloveYLD Share on X1818 September Caricature Of English Tourists and French Dandies At Le Palais Royale, Paris. #RegencyFashion #Cartoon #Paris #Dandy
1818 September 18th Le Palais Royal de Paris, Or ‘A Peep at the French Monstrosities’.
By George Cruikshank. Two English tourists, both dressed as dandies, walk arm-in-arm under the arcade of the Palais Royal, interested in the promenading courtesans. Two Frenchmen make more direct overtures to two women. Their dress is rather similar to that of the Englishmen, but the latter wear bell-shaped top-hats, while the Frenchmen have flower-pot shaped hats. An officer wearing a large cocked hat addresses a girl, and a man, said by Reid to be Irish, jovially accosts another. Some of the women are in evening-dress, others in street costume. Behind are iron railings between the supports of the roof; on one of these is the inscription ‘Caveau des Sauvages’. Published by: George Humphrey. via British Museum.
1804 September Exhibition of Water Coloured Drawings, Old Bond Street, London By Thomas Rowlandson. #Regency #London #Art
1804 September Exhibition of Water Coloured Drawings, Old Bond Street, London, U.K. Designed and etched by Thomas Rowlandson. Via Wikimedia Commons commons.wikimedia.org (PD-ART)
1804 September Exhibition of Water Coloured Drawings, Old Bond Street, London By Thomas Rowlandson. #RegencyEra #London #Art https://books2read.com/suziloveROver Share on X1818 May Caricature Of Three Fashionable Dandies As Worn by Men in Bridgerton and Jane Austen Years. #Bridgerton #Regency #Cartoon #JaneAusten
1818 May ‘Beau’s of 1818’ By George Cruikshank. Two Dandies shake hands while third watches. All wearing bell-shaped top-hats, extra high collars, short waists, long spurs and yellow gloves. One with moustache wears wide and short white trousers, one wears top-boots and riding-breeches and has monocle in his eye and third has very full trousers gathered above ankle. These are the sort of outfits that the Bridgerton men and Jane Austen’s male contemporaries would have worn. Hand colored etching. Via British Museum, London, UK. britishmuseum.org (PD-Art)
1818 May Caricature Of Three Fashionable Dandies As Worn by Men in Bridgerton and Jane Austen Years. #Bridgerton #Regency #Cartoon #JaneAusten https://books2read.com/SuziLoveFashionMen1800-1819 Share on X1819 January Dandy Gentleman ‘Going to White’s’ Club In London By Richard Dighton. #RegencyEra #JaneAusten #London
1819 January ‘Going to White’s’. By Richard Dighton. Lord Alvanley walks on the pavement going to White’s Club for gentlemen in London wearing a top-hat, double-breasted coat, strapped trousers, and the high collar of a dandy. Via British Museum, London, UK. britishmuseum.org (PD-Art)
White’s was an exclusive Gentlemen’s Club on St. James Street, London, U.K where well-dressed men, or Dandies, gathered at a special table in front of the large bow window looking out at the street. This became known as a seat of privilege and was used by London’s most famous Dandy, Beau Brummell. Other well-known dandies were William Arden, Joshua Allen, Thomas Raikes and Ball Hughes. Cartoonists loved to ridicule these high-in-the-instep gentlemen who wore the most fashionable clothes and set the fashion trends for the Regency years, and the years when Jane Austen was writing her famous novels.
1819 January Dandy Gentleman 'Going to White's' Club In London By Richard Dighton. #RegencyEra #JaneAusten #London https://books2read.com/suziloveYGD Share on XAre you following my Pinterest Boards? Images galore for history, books, Regency Era, fashion and writing. #RegencyEra #books #History #Pinterest #SuziLove
Pinterest Boards By Suzi Love.
I love Pinterest for keeping thousands of historical images in some sort of order. And I love using Pinterest Boards as inspiration for my romance books. What about you? Do you use Pinterest for planning something, or just for fun? Need more hints for what to do with your boards and pins? Take a look at these fascinating articles on Pinterest. if you want even more Pinterest information and tips for becoming a power user, check out my Suzi Love Pinterest Boards
Are you following my Pinterest Boards? Images galore for history, books, Regency Era, fashion and writing. #RegencyEra #books #History #Pinterest #SuziLove http://www.pinterest.com/suziloveoz Share on X1812 March 1st Boxing Match between Ward and Quirk By Thomas Rowlandson. #RegencyEra #Boxing #BritishHistory
1812 March 1st Boxing Match between Ward and Quirk for 100 Guineas a side. By Thomas Rowlandson, British. via The Metropolitan Museum, New York City, U.S.A. metmuseum.org
1812 March 1st Boxing Match between Ward and Quirk By Thomas Rowlandson. #RegencyEra #Boxing #BritishHistory books2read.com/suziloveYGD Share on X1807 Healthful Dipping In Jane Austen Times. Lady in chemise preparing to dip in spa waters. #Underclothing #JaneAusten #RegencyFashion
1807 Healthful Dipping. Lady in her white linen chemise, or shift, preparing to take a dip in the spa waters. Scenes of Spa life. By F. Eginton, New Bath Guide. ‘How the ladies did giggle and set up their clacks, All the while an old lady was rubbing their backs.’ From Anstey’s ‘The New Bath Guide’. In Jane Austen’s novels, the resorts of Brighton, Scarborough, Cromer, Lyme and the fictional Sandy ton or Sanditon all get mentions. Women bathed in the sea, via bathing machines pulled down to the water’s edge, or promenaded along beautiful walkways, such as in Cheltenham, near Bat in Britain. Visiting seaside resorts became very popular during the Regency years. Le Beau Monde, or fashionable society, went to spa and beach towns to ‘take the waters’ or to holiday in a fashionable town. To see and be seen. Ladies dressed in light muslin gowns but added colorful accessories to make outfits more interesting.
Chemise Or Shift: Sleeveless, mid-calf length garment of white cotton or muslin was worn next to the skin under stays or corset. Called ‘Shift’ from early Georgian (1700-1750) until Late Georgian (1750-1790) to replace ‘Smock’. By 1800, name replaced by ‘Chemise’.
1807 Healthful Dipping. Lady in chemise preparing to dip in spa waters. #Underclothing #JaneAusten #RegencyFashion #Cartoon. https://books2read.com/SuziLoveFashionWomen1805-1809 Share on X1815 First Quadrille at Almack’s Assembly Rooms, London. #Regency #JaneAusten #Dancing
1815 The First Quadrille at Almack’s Assembly Rooms, London. Left to Right: Marquis of Worcester, Lady Jersey, Clanronald MacDonald and Lady Worcester. “It was not until 1815 that Lady Jersey introduced from Paris the favourite quadrille, which has so long remained popular. I recollect the persons who formed the very first quadrille that was ever danced at Almack’s: they were Lady Jersey, Lady Harriett Butler, Lady Susan Ryde, and Miss Montgomery; the men being the Count St Aldegonde, Mr Montgomery, Mr Montague, and Charles Standish.” From The Reminiscences of Captain Gronow 1810-1860.
The patronesses of Almack’s controlled a lot of a young lady’s acceptance into English society in Jane Austen’s times. To be given a voucher and admitted to an assembly, there was an introduction into London’s polite society.
1815 Early First Quadrille at Almack's Assembly Rooms, London. #RegencyEra #JaneAusten #Dancing https://books2read.com/suziloveYLD Share on X