1812 March 1st Boxing Match between Ward and Quirk for 100 Guineas a side. By Thomas Rowlandson, British. via The Metropolitan Museum, New York City, U.S.A. metmuseum.org

1812 March 1st Boxing Match between Ward and Quirk for 100 Guineas a side. By Thomas Rowlandson, British. via The Metropolitan Museum, New York City, U.S.A. metmuseum.org
1800s Early Gentleman John Jackson, London, U.K. #Regency Boxing was known as pugilism and was wildly popular in the Regency Era with all classes of men both as a spectator sport and an athletic hobby. Pugilists didn’t wear gloves. Jackson was a champion prize fighter from 1795-1818 ca. Opened his boxing studio where he taught young bucks the manly art of self-defense. via Wikimedia Commons.