1805 Lady wearing Jane Austen Style Half-dress with Sketching Portfolio, French. #RegencyEra #JaneAusten #HistoricalFashion
1805 Lady With Her Sketching Portfolio In Half Dress, French. White, At-Home, High-waisted, relaxed & flowing dress with white cap and pink flowers to match, long gloves, slippers. Fashion Plate via Journal des Dames et des Modes, or Costume Parisien. Definition Caps: Worn as morning caps, night caps, or under other hats. Jane Austen and her family and female friends would have worn caps like these, sometimes during the morning at home, to bed to keep their long hair from becoming knotted, or under a bonnet to hold a hairstyle in place. Caps sometimes had hanging ties, or tails, and were also called ‘follow me lads’, or ‘flirtation ribbons’. Or flaps covering theirs called Lappets. Magazine Journal des Dames et des Modes, or Costume Parisien, French. French fashion magazine published between 1797 and 1839 and second oldest fashion magazine published in France. Pierre de la Mesangere was editor and published every five days, which is why there is an abundance of French fashion plates from these years in France and internationally.
![1805_HalfDress_WhiteAtHomeDress_LadywithSketchingPortfolio_CP_Lge.jpg ]](https://www.suzilove.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/1805_HalfDress_WhiteAtHokmeDress_LadywithSketchingPortfolio_CP_Sml.jpg)