1817 November Muslin Morning Dress and Crepe Evening Dress, English. #Regency #JaneAusten #Fashion

1817 November Morning Dress and Evening Dress, English. Morning Dress is a round dress of Jaconot muslin with back buttons, small collar open in front to display the throat, lower part of front with bias tucks, moderately full skirt finished around bottom with small tucks and deep flounce with bright rose ribbon. Rose velvet Spenser trimmed with white satin and rose silk, finished at throat with white satin puffings. Plain long sleeves, French style Leghorn bonnet trimmed with large rows of ribbon to match Spenser and tied under the chin, stand-up lace frill around throat, swansdown muff, straw kid sandals and gloves.
Evening dress of fawn crepe over a white satin slip, cut low around the bust, confined to waist by a narrow cestus of white satin, fastened in front by a brilliant clasp. Single fall of Mecklin lace on dress, very short full sleeve finished at bottom by a rouleau of white satin and narrow lace plait. Skirt trimmed with double row of white satin Spanish puffs, very full and in bias. Hair high, parted and curled on the forehead with garland of Provence roses. Pearl earrings and necklace, spangled crape fan, white kid gloves and white satin slippers. Fashion Plate via The Mirror of Fashion in The Ladies’ Monthly Museum, England.
1817 November Muslin Morning Dress and Crepe Evening Dress, English. #Regency #JaneAusten #Fashion