1763 Shagreen Etui Or ancestry, English. #GeorgianEra #Antiques #Decorative
1763 Shagreen Etui Or Necessaire, English. via Gould Antiques ~ gouldantiques.com
Definition Etui Or Necessaire: Small toiletry, writing, or sewing containers carried by ladies and gentlemen in vast castles or large manor houses so their essentials were always on hand. Also used when traveling, where space was always limited. Easily carried in a pocket, or bag or reticule, to use for personal grooming, sewing repairs e.g. ripped hem or missing button, to do embroidery or to write a letter.
Definition Shagreen: Type of rawhide, originally made from the back of a horse or a wild donkey. In the 18th century, the skin of a shark was used as well.