1809 March Blue tunic over white walking dress, matching blue hat and reticule, or bag. #RegencyEra #JaneAusten #RegencyFashion
1809 March. White walking dress as Jane Austen. would have worn in England. Pale blue tunic worn over a white dress and with an unusual blue hat trimmed in yellow to match the tunic. Carrying a matching blue reticule and wearing blue slippers and yellow gloves. Description on Fashion Plate, “A Polish cap, and pelisse of silver grey cloth, trimmed with gold or silver, buttoned down the front with small round buttons, a high collar, with a lace ruff ; boots of same colour as the pelisse, and both embroidered with gold or silver. York tan gloves. This dress was transmitted to a lady of high rank from Warsaw, and would alone evince the taste and elegance of the ladies of that country, were they not already sufficiently known. Engraved Plate via Rudolph Ackermann’s ‘The Repository’ of Arts.
Definition Reticule Or Ridicule Or Bag or Purse: Often with a drawstring to pull closed and usually made of cloth or covered cardboard and often decorated with beading or embroidery. A reticule, or purse, or handbag, was usually carried by a woman during the Regency period to carry all their daily necessities. Earlier, women used pockets that tied at the waistline and were hidden in the folds of their skirts. Empire style, or early 1800s, high-waisted dresses made it impossible to either sewn in a pocket or to tie on a pocket. So women began carrying small, decorated bags called Reticules, or ridicules, which generally pulled close at the top with a drawstring.

Fashion Women 1805-1809 History Notes Book 26 What did Jane Austen and friends wear? This book looks at early 1800s fashions, which were elegant and pretty with high waists and fabrics that were almost transparent. These Empire style gowns, named after Napoleon’s first Empress, became popular throughout Europe, and were then copied around the world. Colorful outwear was added to make an ensemble more attractive and warmer. https://books2read.com/SuziLoveFashionWomen1805-1809
1809 March Blue tunic over white walking dress, matching blue hat and reticule, or bag. #RegencyEra #JaneAusten #Fashion https://books2read.com/SuziLoveFashionWomen1805-1809 Share on X