1816 July Opera Dress of White Lace With Scalloped Lace Hem and Pink Shawl In Bridgerton And Jane Austen Style. #RegencyFashion #JaneAusten #Bridgerton
1816 July Opera Dress, English. Dress of white lace worn over a rich soft white satin slip. Skirt trimmed in a style of peculiar elegance, with lace festooned at regular distances, festoons edged by plain band of byas satin and finished by pearl ornaments of a very novel and pretty shape. Lace body is cut byas and richly ornamented round the bosom with pointed lace. Plain long sleeve, very full, except towards the wrist, which is nearly tight to the arm, and elegantly finished with lace. Hair ornamented with a wreath of French roses, parted in front, and simply dressed in loose curls, which fall very low on each side. Hind hair forms a tuft at the back of the head. Necklace, ear-rings, and bracelets of pearl. White satin slippers, and white kid gloves and a blush colored French silk scarf. Fashion Plate via Rudolph Ackermann’s ‘The Repository of Arts’.
Gorgeous Regency Era clothing came in a wide range of styles to suit every season and occasion. Ladies in the Bridgerton series and in Jane Austen’s times wore Empire style dresses which were usually made of light fabric and floaty in style. By the later 1810s, stripes were very popular and lace and frills were added to make the dress more individual.