1770 Ca. Back Lacing Blue and Cream Silk Corset, European. #GeorgianEra #Corset #HistoricalFashion
1770 ca. Corset, Europe. Back lacing, blue and cream silk with cream silk bows.

Corsets 1700-1790 History Notes Book 15 This book shows how body wraps, stomachers and stays were worn during the 1700s. They created a variety of fashionable silhouettes to suit the elaborate fashions worn for court and daily life during the 18th Century. Wearing the correct underclothing was essential for keeping garments in place and giving the best fashion display. Corsets, stays, body wraps, and stomachers worn during the 1700s, or the Georgian Era. https://books2read.com/SuziLoveCorsetBook15
1770 Ca. Back Lacing Blue and Cream Silk Corset, European. #GeorgianEra #Corset #HistoricalFashion http://books2read.com/SuziLoveCorsetBook15 Share on X