What do you know about Chatelaines and Chains worn in Jane Austen’s and Bridgerton times? Women in charge of households carried important items with them. #Bridgerton #JaneAusten #RegencyEra #GeorgianEra #VictorianEra
Chatelaines and Chains History Notes Book 9 By Suzi Love. What do you know about Chatelaines and Chains worn in Jane Austen’s and Bridgerton times? Women in charge of households carried important items with them. History Notes Book 9 Chatelaines and Chains. books2read.com/SuziLoveChatelaines
Jane Austen’s Personal Necessities, keys, or chatelaines was a set of useful items hung from waist by decorative chain. Chatelaines and Chains. History Notes Book 9 By Suzi Love. Women in charge of households dangled long chains from their waists to keep essentials within easy reach e.g. keys, notebook and pen, watch, sewing items, vinaigrette or perfume, or magnifying glass. Early chatelaine were simple essentials. Later chatelaine were decorative and expensive. http://books2read.com/SuziLoveChatelaines
Definition Chatelaine: The word Chatelaine is French and means the keeper of the keys. Chatelaine” derives from the Latin word for castle. In Medieval times, the chatelaine was in charge of the day-to-day running of the castle. Women in charge of households dangled long chains from their waists to keep essentials within easy reach e.g. keys, notebook and pen, watch, sewing items, vinaigrette or perfume, or magnifying glass. Early chatelaine were simple essentials. Later chatelaine were decorative and expensive. books2read.com/SuziLoveChatelaines
What did a chatelaine do? Most important task was keeper of the keys. Also ordered supplies, did bookkeeping, supervised servants, taught castle children, and organized guests.
hat were chatelaines used for?
- Castle keepers needed keys safe, yet easily accessible.
- By 1700’s, a metal jeweled ornament hung from pockets, attached to belts, or by hooks into skirt waistbands
- During 1800’s, women wore large collections of tools hung from chains
- Young girls sewed and did needlework and needed to carry sewing notions eg scissors, thimbles
- Worn by women of all classes, from workers to nobility
- Varied depending on class and finances.
- Made of silver, brass, steel, leather, or fabric
- During 19th century, fashionable dresses often had no waist and nowhere to hang chatelaines
- Chatelaines became decorative brooches
- Often given as a wedding present from a husband to bride
- Later became fashion accessories