1802 Pale Mahogany Pianoforte Made By John Broadwood, London. #Regency #music #JaneAusten #piano
1802 Pianoforte By John Broadwood. Square form, pale mahogany case with ebony wood stringing throughout. Inscribed ‘1802 John Broadwood and Sons, Makers to his Majesty and the Princesses, Great Pulteney Street, Golden Square, London.’ via Sotheby’s Auctions. ~ sothebys.com
Definition Piano- Forte: Well-known stringed and keyed instrument of German origin, so called from its equal command both of softness and strength. Its principal advantage over the harpsichord is its capacity of obeying the touch so the performer can vary the expressions and strike lights and shades. Jane Austen and her contemporaries played the pianoforte to entertain family and guests.