1890 ca. Ivory, Enamel, and Gold Carnet de Bal, or Dance Card. Formerly in the collection of lady Mairi Bury. Ribs are of ivory, numbered front to back from 1 to 24, either end decorated with polychrome enamel with a lotus flower motif, attached by chain to a ring. Maker’s marks, fitted case, Payne and Sons. via Sotheby’s Auctions. sothebys.com
19th Century Mid-Late Five Desk Seals. L-R Carnelian seal with silver mounts set with colored stones; malachite urn seal: gilt-bronze seal with winged cherub heads: Silver-gilt seal eagle, Silver-gilt seal as eagle’s leg below a blue glass ball. via Sotheby’s Auctions. sothebys.com
In the Bridgerton family, or Jane Austen’s household, and during the Regency Era, sealing wax was not only impressed onto the back of a letter with a seal to protect against tampering, but also to identify the sender of the letter. People, especially aristocrats, kept personal and family seals to be used for many different purposes e.g. A letter to a government official would be sealed with an aristocrat’s crest or title. Personal seals for identification have been since early civilizations. The rubber stamps and embossers we use today serve the same purpose, identifying the sender.
19th Century Mid Dance Card or Aide de Memoire. Jeweled and enameled gold dance card with concealed timepiece. Lid with a blue enamel with rose-cut diamonds floral wreath, opening to compartment with watch dial, pencil, and notebook. via Sotheby’s Auctions. sothebys.com
1802 Pianoforte By John Broadwood. Square form, pale mahogany case with ebony wood stringing throughout. Inscribed ‘1802 John Broadwood and Sons, Makers to his Majesty and the Princesses, Great Pulteney Street, Golden Square, London.’ via Sotheby’s Auctions. ~ sothebys.com
Definition Piano- Forte: Well-known stringed and keyed instrument of German origin, so called from its equal command both of softness and strength. Its principal advantage over the harpsichord is its capacity of obeying the touch so the performer can vary the expressions and strike lights and shades. Jane Austen and her contemporaries played the pianoforte to entertain family and guests.
1795 ca. Traveling Desk, Russian.Ormolu-mounted and brass-inlaid mahogany, ebony and ebonized traveling desk, in the manner of Heinrich Gambs. sothebys.com suzilove.com