1816 May Jane Austen and Bridgerton Style Full Evening Dress Of White Lace Dress Over a Satin Slip. #Bridgerton #RegencyEra #JaneAusten #HistoricFashion
1816 May Full Evening Dress, English. The type of evening dress the Bridgerton family and Jane Austen and her contemporaries would have worn to a formal evening event, such as a ball. A white satin slip, over which is a white lace dress, ornamented with three quillings of white lace on the skirt, intermixed with bows of white satin ribbon. The body and sleeve, both of which are richly ornamented with colored stones, are formed, as our readers will see by the print, in a very novel style. Head-dress, a cap composed of white satin, finished with a band edged with pearls, and a superb plume of white feathers. Necklace, ear-rings, and bracelets,’ colored stones intermixed with pearls. White satin slippers, and white kid gloves. We are indebted to the elegant invention Of Mrs. Gill, of Cork-street, Burlington-Gardens, for our dress this month. Fashion Plate via Rudolph Ackermann’s ‘The Repository of Arts’.
Definition Full Dress: Most formal of outfits, day or night, with all possible accessories added.