1820 ca. Silk Pelisse, Or Coat, With Scalloped Collar and Military Braiding As Worn by Bridgertons. #Bridgerton #RegencyFashion #HistoricalFashion #Pelisse
1820 ca. Silk Pelisse, Probably American. Puffed sleeves at the shoulders, scalloped collar, military style braiding to decorate, waist slightly lower and skirt more bell shaped than typical Empire style, straight front and gathered back. via Metropolitan Museum, N.Y.C., U.S.A. metmuseum.org
Definition Redingote Or Pelisse Or Walking Dress Or Coat: French word developed from English words, riding coat. Long fitted outdoor coat worn over other garments for warmth. Often left open at the front to show off the dress underneath. Sometimes cut away in front. Originally made with several capes and trimmed with large buttons. French fashion plates call these coats Redingotes and they are designed for women, men and children. English fashion plates call them a Pelisse, a walking dress, Promenade dress, or Carriage dress.
Definition Military Style: The short puffed sleeves over the long straight sleeves and the military style of braids across the vertical front opening became popular in the late Regency years when many countries, especially Britain and France, had been fighting wars for many years. It was seen as patriotic to wear military styled clothing in support the hundreds of thousands of soldiers wearing their uniforms in cities all across Europe. Aristocrats wearing uniforms were seen as romantic heroes and men who couldn’t fight in the battles wore coats, Redingotes, and Pelisses that looked military with capes, brass buttons and braids. books2read.com/suzilovePelisse