1815 White Walking Dress, English. Lady reading outside. Aqua pelisse, or coat, open to reveal a yellow lining, yellow gloves, high bonnet with feathers and blue shoes. Jane Austen and her family and friends would have worn this style of walking ensemble and as Jane Austen was very fond of reading, it’s easy to picture her looking like this. Fashion Plate via Rudolph Ackermann’s ‘The Repository of Arts’.
1815 March Brown Promenade Dress, English. High-waisted dress with decorative hem, white sleeves, white fichu, blue scarf, brown hat decorated with flowers. Jane Austen and her contemporaries would have worn this style of outdoor walking outfit and flowered hat. Fashion Plate via The Lady’s Magazine Or Entertaining Companion for the Fair Sex.
Definition Redingote: Woman’s long, fitted coat often worn open in front to show off the dress underneath. Sometimes cut away in front. Originally made with several capes and trimmed with large buttons. French word developed from English words, riding coat. reefer. Single- or double-breasted, fitted, tailored, over-all coat usually made from sturdy fabric.
Definition Fichu: A piece of lace, muslin, or other cloth worn about the neck and cleavage to preserve a lady’s modesty. From French word meaning neckerchief.
A Plea Against the Rampant Gambling in the Regency Era. From: 1827 The Gentleman’s Magazine by Sylvanus Urban via Google Books (PD-150) ‘Two houses are being pulled down in St. James’ Street, presumably to add to the national disgrace which already stands there, a monumental outrage upon public decency. The affairs of a country are in the hands of political adventurers who dedicate their days and nights to a sel?sh, …Continue reading →
Fashion Women 1800 By Suzi Love History Notes Book 12 #Regency #Fashion Love gorgeous historical women’s fashions? Take a look at what women wore and carried in 1800 in Europe and around the world. books2read.com/SuziLoveFashionWomen1800
Fashion Women 1800 By Suzi Love History Notes Book 12 #Regency #Fashion Love gorgeous historical women’s fashions? Take a look at what women wore and carried in 1800 in Europe and around the world. books2read.com/SuziLoveFashionWomen1800
Women’s dress changed dramatically after 1785. The rich fabrics and complicated, formal shapes of the late 18th century gave way to simple, light fabrics that draped easily. These new gowns achieved something of the effect of the simple tunics shown on classical Greek and Roman statues and vases. Inspired in part by the statuary of ancient Greece and Rome, the new fashion was epitomised by light cotton gowns falling around the body in an unstructured way, held around the high waist with a simple sash and accompanied by a soft shawl draped around exposed shoulders. This style was ideal for the Indian imports like Kashmiri shawls and Bengali muslin, as used in this embroidered gown. Championed by such influential figures as Emma Hamilton in England and Madame Récamier in France, the so-called ‘Empire’ style catapulted Indian muslin into the forefront of fashion.
Empire Dress: Owes its name, physical emancipation, popularity, and even its sexiness to France. In this English example, French style is slavishly followed in the gown’s high waist and modish stripes.
Empire style, or early 1800s, high-waisted dresses made it impossible to either sewn in a pocket or to tie on a pocket. So women began carrying small, decorated bags called Reticules, or ridicules, which generally pulled close at the top with a drawstring.
Inspired in part by the statuary of ancient Greece and Rome, the new fashion was epitomised by light cotton gowns falling around the body in an unstructured way, held around the high waist with a simple sash and accompanied by a soft shawl draped around exposed shoulders. This style was ideal for the Indian imports like Kashmiri shawls and Bengali muslin, as used in this embroidered gown. Championed by such influential figures as Emma Hamilton in England and Madame Récamier in France, the so-called ‘Empire’ style catapulted Indian muslin into the forefront of fashion.
An Overview of Regency London From 1820 The English Metropolis by John Corry via Google Books (PD-180)
1820 London Morality. via The English Metropolis By John Corry. via google books. 1820 11. London Houses. via The English Metropolis By John Corry. via google books. 1820 10 Carlton House. via The English Metropolis By John Corry. via google books. 1820 9. Regency Criminals. via The English Metropolis By John Corry. via google books. 1820 8. Four In Hand Club. via The English Metropolis By John Corry. via google books. 1820 7 London Shops. via The English Metropolis By John Corry. via google books. 1820 6. Sudden Disappearance Of A Man Of Fashion. via The English Metropolis By John Corry. via google books. 1820 5. Moral Corruption. via The English Metropolis By John Corry. via google books. 1820 4. Bond Street. via The English Metropolis By John Corry. via google books. 1820 3. Population Of Regency London. via The English Metropolis By John Corry. via google books. 1820 2. London In 1820. via The English Metropolis By John Corry. via google books. 1820 1. London, the English Metropolis. via The English Metropolis By John Corry. via google books. 1820 An Overview of Regency London From 1820 The English Metropolis by John Corry #RegencyEra #London #googlebooks. https://books2read.com/suziloveROver Share on XRL_1_D2D_Regency Overview RetailerLinks
Medical History. Images from historical surgery and hospital treatments after surgery. 1818 Elements of Surgery. Via Google Books (PD-200) All these images can be found on my Pinterest board for History – Medical. In Jane Austen’s times, medical problems were mainly dealt with in the home. A surgeon or apothecary might be called but the care of the patient and administering medications and treatments was the family’s responsibility, possibly with the help of servants.
1818 Applying Traction to a Dislocated Limb.1818 Elements of Surgery By John Syng Dorsey. via Google Books (PD-150) 1818 Instruments Used In Eye Operations. 1818 Elements of Surgery By John Syng Dorsey. via Google Books (PD-150) 1818 Percy’s Bullet Forceps For Removing Musket Balls. 1818 Elements of Surgery By John Syng Dorsey. via Google Books (PD-150) 1818 Cannula For Laryngotomy. . 1818 Elements of Surgery By John Syng Dorsey. via Google Books (PD-150) 1818 Bed For Treating Patient with Long Term Fracture. 1818 Elements of Surgery By John Syng Dorsey. via Google Books (PD-150)1818 Suturing Of Incised Head Wound. 1818 Elements of Surgery By John Syng Dorsey. via Google Books (PD-150) 1818 Splints For Fractures of the Arm. 1818 Elements of Surgery By John Syng Dorsey. via Google Books (PD-150) 1818 Splint For an Oblique Fracture of the Femur. 1818 Elements of Surgery By John Syng Dorsey. via Google Books (PD-150) 1818 Splint Applied To A Leg. 1818 Elements of Surgery By John Syng Dorsey. via Google Books (PD-150) 1818 Local remedies For Treating Inflammation. 1818 Elements of Surgery By John Syng Dorsey. via Google Books (PD-150) 1818 Cold Applications. 1818 Elements of Surgery By John Syng Dorsey. via Google Books (PD-150) 1818 Instruments To Remove a Portion Of The Skull (Trepanning). 1818 Elements of Surgery By John Syng Dorsey. via Google Books (PD-150) 1818 Instruments For Operating On The Eye. 1818 Elements of Surgery By John Syng Dorsey. via Google Books (PD-150) 1818 Fractures Of The Clavicle Or Collar Bone. 1818 Elements of Surgery By John Syng Dorsey. via Google Books (PD-150) 1818 Fractures Of The Thigh. 1818 Elements of Surgery By John Syng Dorsey. via Google Books (PD-150) 1818 Elements of Surgery By John Syng Dorsey. via Google Books (PD_150)1818 Carcinoma Of The Eye. 1818 Elements of Surgery By John Syng Dorsey. via Google Books (PD-150)Medical History. Images from historical surgery and hospital treatments after surgery. 1818 Elements of Surgery. #janeAusten #RegencyEra #Medical #GoogleBooks Share on X
1800s Typical Salads Served during the 1800s. These are the sort of salads that Jane Austen’s family would have eaten to accompany main dishes during the early 1800s, or Regency Era. 1800s Typical Salads Served, Cucumber, Beetroot and Potato, Macedone Salad, Tomato Salad, Jellied Russian and Italian Salads, Prawn Salad, Egg and Lettuce, Lobster Salad and Salad Dumas. From: 1860s Mrs. Beeton’s Book of Household Management. via Google Books (PD-150). 1800s Typical salads served in households like Jane Austen’s. https://books2read.com/suziloveOLD
1815 Arundel Fete Dress and Baronial Helmet, English. White dress with purple bodice and hem with matching shawl and plumed headdress. Skirt of white crape over white satin, a double row of novel and elegant trimmings on the bottom, two falls of the crape, set on full, are edged with silk. Body comes high on each side of the bosom and is shaped so as to display the neck and shoulders, and both body and sleeves are formed and trimmed in the most exquisitely tasteful manner. A superb cord and tassels confines the waist and ties in front. The Baronial Helmet is striking and made of white sarsnet or satin and white lace and superbly ornamented with feathers. Jewelry set, or Grand Parure, of necklace, bracelets. ear-rings, and small French locket of pearl. White kid slippers and gloves. Full Dress for evening would most likely be a dress of silk or satin, perhaps with a transparent overlay of netting, tulle etc., embellished with taffeta, ruffles and ribbons, and with a full range of accessories including a Grand Parure of tiara and other matching jewelry. https://books2read.com/SuziLoveFashionWomen1815-1819
La Belle Assemblee: Fashion Plate via John Belle’s La Belle Assemblée or, Bell’s Court and Fashionable Magazine, London. Many of the fashion plates seen in La Belle Assemblée and The Repository of Arts were designed by Mrs. Bell who had her dressmaking showroom in Bedford Square, London, and was related to John Bell who published La Belle Assemblée. It seems that she designed for at least two fashion magazines and so there is a cross-over of designs in different magazines.
Grand Parure: A Parure is a matched set of jewelry, including a necklace, bracelet, earrings, pin etc. and a Grand Parure often includes a tiara or other headdress.
1839 Select Illustrated Topography Around London By William Trotter. Bird’s Eye view of London plus views of Windsor Castle, Chelsea Fields, Epsom, Richmond, and from the York Column. via Google Books (PD-100)
1839 Windsor Castle, London. From: 1839 Select Illustrated Topography Around London About London By William Trotter. via Google Books (PD-150)1839 View Of London. From: 1839 Select Illustrated Topography Around London About London By William Trotter. via Google Books (PD-150)1839 Richmond, London. From: 1839 Select Illustrated Topography Around London About London By William Trotter. via Google Books (PD-150)1839 Richmond, London. From: 1839 Select Illustrated Topography Around London About London By William Trotter. via Google Books (PD-150)1839 View From Chelsea Fields, London. From: 1839 Select Illustrated Topography Around London About London By William Trotter. via Google Books (PD-150)1839 Epsom, London. From: 1839 Select Illustrated Topography Around London About London By William Trotter. via Google Books (PD-150)1839 Hall Of Mirrors, London. From: 1839 Select Illustrated Topography Around London About London By William Trotter. via Google Books (PD-150)1839 Vauxhall Gardens, London. From: 1839 Select Illustrated Topography Around London About London By William Trotter. via Google Books (PD-150)1839 View From The York Column, London. From: 1839 Select Illustrated Topography Around London About London By William Trotter. via Google Books (PD-150)1839 Select Illustrated Topography Around London By William Trotter. #London #RegencyEra Share on X
1818 ca. Elegant black evening dress as would have been worn in the times of Jane Austen when attending evening events, such as dinners, concerts, musical evenings or the opera. British, Empire style, or high-waisted dress of machine-made silk net, embroidered with silk, trimmed at the hem with padded black satin rouleaux and rosettes, long straight sleeves under shoulder puffs. Machine-made net was a very popular background for embroidery and laces in early 1800s and the airy texture suited loose and flowing Empire style fashions. Victoria and Albert Museum, London, UK. collections.vam.ac.uk.
1818 ca. Black Evening Dress, British. High-waisted dress of machine-made silk net, embroidered with silk, trimmed at the hem with padded black satin rouleaux and rosettes, long straight sleeves under shoulder puffs.
Machine-made net was a very popular background for embroidery and laces in early 1800s and the airy texture suited loose and flowing Empire style fashions. via Suzi Love suzilove.com
Victoria and Albert Museum, London, UK.
collections.vam.ac.uk.1818 ca. Black Evening Dress Of Machine Made Net, British. #Regency #JaneAusten #Fashion. https://books2read.com/SuziLoveFashionWomen1815-1819 Share on X